Kristen Lang
Maria's Ice Cream Wagon Coordinator
Rocky River, OH
Kristen has been volunteering and driving Maria’s Ice Cream Wagon since 2018. In 2020, she took over the operation overseeing the volunteers and coordinating its events. She graduated with a Social Work degree from Marquette University and received her MSW from Columbia University in NYC, where she lived and met her husband. After moving coast to coast and in between with her Coast Guard husband and their 4 daughters, Cleveland was their favorite duty station so they decided to make it their permanent home upon military retirement.
She has always had a heart for volunteer service in church, school, and community. Serving with PFM has been a perfect fit to combine service with raising her family. Working with the ice cream wagon has been a rewarding experience, engaging with organizations all over Cleveland and working closely with the most amazing and fun volunteers. Always up to an adventure and challenge, she is grateful to be able to raise money for such a great and needed cause while getting to serve sweet treats driving an ice cream wagon!